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Every year Passa Porta receives 9 foreign authors for a residency in Brussels. We create the ideal work environment for their literary project, in the research and writing phase.

What does it consist in?

Every year Passa Porta receives 9 foreign authors for a residency in Brussels, for a total period of 28 weeks. We create the ideal work environment for their literary project, in the research and writing phase.

As writer-in-residence you stay for a minimum of four and a maximum of eight weeks in a spacious apartment, you receive an allowance and you have an Internet connection and a printer at your disposal.

In addition, Passa Porta will actively involve you in Belgian cultural life and the network of the house of literature.

We ask you to be open to a meeting with your audience in Belgium. This will be properly remunerated.

These residencies take place by invitation or in collaboration with our international partners. You can apply in July and August, by sending a CV, bibliography and description of your writing project to